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Tøft, klart og fint! Her skulle du hatt ei flystripe som bakgrunn...
Christian W.
Kult bilde med klare og rette linjer, men er enig i at det hadde vært enda bedre med en litt annen bakgrunn
Inger-Lise S.
Råstilig! Dyktig presentert.
Nichlas K.
Kjetil har rett.. Tøff idé!!
Georg K.
when only looking at the image, not reading your name under it - I would guess that it is an original Henrik Thorstensen :)
( which in my terms is a compliment when it comes to car - photo )
Compliment - this is what I call understanding the concept of the specific design - and using it.
Perspective, shadow, lines - that's all great.
Actually, when looking at this - it seems tempting to really play with it - take away the whole background and kind of space it up - there is a lot of really great points in this one.
Marius F.
Laaaaangt panser ja. Stil effekt. Bra utførelse.
Håvard H.
Stilig! Elsker komposisjonene og ''posituren''. Svart/Hvitt + 5 kontrastøkning hadde gjort det perfekt
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( which in my terms is a compliment when it comes to car - photo )
Compliment - this is what I call understanding the concept of the specific design - and using it.
Perspective, shadow, lines - that's all great.
Actually, when looking at this - it seems tempting to really play with it - take away the whole background and kind of space it up - there is a lot of really great points in this one.